Author Archives: bobbybobs
Collector Snapshot #17 – Amy Sjoberg
Welcome all to the seventeenth episode of our collector snapshot, where a vintage collector answers 10 short questions. The same questions will be given to every collector appearing in this segment.
This is a very special episode as our guest is one of the most active contributors to our hobby. I’m stoked that someone of Amy’s collecting caliber agreed to come onto the blog and I’m sure you’ll all enjoy reading through her responses as much as I did.
Amy is a 34 year old human resource professional from Seattle, Washington. I met Amy only briefly in the Collectors’ Social Room at Celebration Anaheim, where she was kind enough not to crack up laughing at the terrible pin I gave her advertising my blog (trust me, I’m not being modest).
Here she is on a SARLACC ((the Seattle Area Lucasfilm Artifacts Collector Club) film location trip to Death Valley.
Amy actually presented at C7 and you can check the video of the panel here; where she and Jarrod Clark discussed Ewok collectibles. Thanks to Tommy Garvey from theswca for continuing to post these great videos of the C7 collecting panels.
Ewok Collectibles Panel – Celebration Anaheim
She also also had an entry in the Vader Case Project at C7; a fantastic event which raised loads for charity. Read more about the project here:
theswca – celebration Anaheim Vader Case Project
Amy’s entry: ‘Sunset on Endor’.’ Stunning…
Amy is extremely active on the collecting scene. She’s a member of SARLACC, R2 Builders, Ewok Builders and even has time to blog at and I’ve actually recently shared one of Amy’s great blog articles on our Facebook page, here it is again if you missed it:
theswca – Creepy Star Wars Collectibles
Would you believe she’s involved in even more SW vintage endeavours? Check out the Star Wars Collecting Cosmos Collecting Cosmos – Facebook podcast and Amy’s Etsy shop ‘Nerdventions’ – Nerdventions – Etsy.
Target ‘Share the Force’ commercial – featuring VSWC competition winner Jad Bean!
We recently ran a competition here on the blog, with the prize being a mint set of Cantina Crew aliens. All you had to do to win was to post a photo on the page of yourself as a child with a vintage Star Wars collectible.
We were hit with so many outstanding entries that we decided to give away several runner up prizes. One of the winning entries was from Jad Bean. Here he is with his Ewok Village on Christmas Day.
What I found out later was fantastic. Jad actually had this special moment captured on video and this footage was included in the Target ‘Share the Force commercial’. You can catch Jad in it, opening the very same Ewok Village. That’s him in the video at 0:09 (labeled Christmas 1977) and again at 0:12 (Christmas 1983). Not only does Jad appear but there is footage of a bunch of other kids with their vintage SW toys. The video is a joy to watch and really captures why so many of us collect vintage Star Wars.
Check out the video here:
Target ‘Share the Force’ commercial
Are any of our readers in the video? Let us know!
What is even cooler than Jad appearing in this video is that he also has the honour of having a Star Wars character officially named after him. Yes that’s right, unbelievable. Check out the full story on his blog:
Thanks Jad for sharing and keep up the good work!
The nostalgia of vintage Star Wars collecting – article by ‘’
Just a super quick update for my non-Facebook readers. I post a lot on our Facebook page but always forget to update on the website as well. Will do my best to remedy this.
Here’s a very cool article from the guys at, one of our favourite Star Wars collecting websites.They discuss the nostalgia element of vintage Star Wars collecting and the article features an interview with Tom Berges – the man behind
Also check out our previous interview with Jake Stevens, the founder and main force behind From 4-LOM to Zuckuss.
Collector Snapshot #13 – Jake Stevens …/
Gemr – a new social media platform for limelighting your vintage Star Wars collection!
What the hell is Gemr?
Well for those who haven’t heard, they are the new social networking kids on the block for crazy collectors like ourselves.
If you already know about Gemr, but haven’t signed up, well do it now! It’s completely free to sign up and there is nothing to lose by having a look around.
To quote their website Gemr is a “social community for people who collect, and anyone who is passionate about the stuff they own. It’s free to join, and users can organize, showcase, buy, sell, and trade their items on the platform.”
Check the video out for a visual overview of Gemr.
So why am I reviewing Gemr?
One of their representatives contacted my blog a few weeks ago and asked me to review their site. I’m pretty happy with the forums and Facebook so I must admit I was a little apprehensive about testing another platform. But after signing up and exploring the site for a couple of weeks I was pretty impressed with what I found. We chatted a bit more about Gemr’s plans and in the end I’ve agreed to help drum up some awareness about Gemr among the vintage Star Wars community. When I say “help,” I simply mean to post an honest and in-depth review of their site.
What does Gemr offer the collector?
You can showcase your collectibles to like-minded individuals, you can also buy, sell and discuss collectibles or anything else to do with the hobby. Gemr also hosts a ‘crowdscore’ function which allows members to canvass other members for price estimates on a specific item.
There are a loads of eclectic collecting clubs to join. Although I only joined the vintage Star Wars club and comic club, other clubs range from Transformers, Sneakers, Lego, Marvel Figures, Sports Memorabilia, Cosplay (I’m not going to pretend I didn’t spend way too much time looking at the cosplay girls…), Fine Art and Stamps. I could go on and on….And if there isn’t a club that suits your interest, there is the option to contact Gemr to start one up.
If you are anything like me, you might actually collect a bunch of different things. Not only do I collect vintage Star Wars but I also collect comics and books (first editions, editions signed by authors etc). All of these collectibles are covered by specific collecting clubs on Gemr so for me Gemr is extremely practical. All my collectibles under one easy to navigate roof!
The first thing I noticed after logging into my account was how aesthetically pleasing and stylish the layout was. Not only that, but the interface is super smooth and easy to navigate.
To give you a bit of an idea about what to expect when you log in, here’s a screenshot of the top half my Gemr home screen.
If you scroll down the homepage, you can explore collectibles recently posted by other members:
The setup is pretty easy to use and doesn’t take long to get used to. The options you can see in the screenshot are pretty self-explanatory but rather than explaining everything myself, check out this video that walks new users through the site.
Why should a vintage Star Wars collector use Gemr?
We already have forums and Facebook. What’s the point of joining yet another site? Well it really is worth it and I definitely will be using it more in future.
Like I’ve already stated, the interface looks great and is smooth and easy to use. Plus there are clubs for all my collecting passions. I know there are forums and Facebook groups for all of these but it seems so much easier to have them all easily accessible on one site.
Another positive is that I can upload my whole collection and use it as a reference database for when I need to quickly access it. I can’t count the amount of times I’ve needed to know if I have a specific COO variant or cardback in my collection but haven’t had a photo on my phone or computer. It’s pretty cool too because you are able to attach a note with a bunch of details to each item. I know that would be definitely handy to me. Not only can you store your whole collection but you can also share your collection directly from Gemr to other social networking platforms like Facebook or Twitter.
Here’s a screenshot of an overview of my collection that I have already uploaded:
You can then click into your collection and pull up a full shot of each photo. If you scroll further down, you can see the details of what’s in the photo and it’s also easy access to the thumbnails for the rest of the collection. It all looks pretty slick and professional. My terrible computer skills don’t do it justice…
And for you comic book lovers, here’s a partial snapshot of the only comic I’ve uploaded. I’ll upload all of my other X-Men keys soon.
there is also no need to find your thread and bump it like we have to on the forums and on Facebook.Your collection is always easily accessible from your personal dashboard.
When it comes to buying, selling and trading, Gemr is nicely set up so you can manage an inventory of your sales or trade items in one place. You can easily add or remove items from your inventory. The same goes for managing your WTB list.
What is great too, similarly to the forums, is that only serious collectors will sign up to Gemr. So expect to meet like-minded collectors there, rather than a torrent of trolls that we witness daily in the larger and public Facebook groups.
Us vintage collectors are notoriously resistant to change when it comes to trying out new forms of networking. We resisted forums – until they eventually took over and then we resisted Facebook groups – which now host the largest pool of vintage collectors. One group has over 15,000 members. Even some of my anti-Facebook collector friends are now posting regularly there.
I’m not saying we give up on forums (my true home) or Facebook groups and all migrate over to Gemr. If you are completely happy on the forums and have no desire to move, well then each to their own. But if you are anything like me, then you may not want to restrict your collecting activities to one or two social networking platforms. I’m a regular on several forums, loads of Facebook groups (I admin three) and I’m on Twitter and Instagram. Not to mention my blog. I love interacting with a wide range of collectors. We are absolutely kidding ourselves if we believe that forums and Facebook groups capture the entire vintage collecting community.
So what about the vintage Star Wars club on Gemr itself? Well the truth is that it is quite new and not very busy at the moment. I only signed up a few weeks ago myself so it is hard to judge. I’m willing to give it a go though, there are already a few collections posted and I have started to post some of my own collection.
How can Gemr improve?
Well I guess the most obvious con at the moment for us vintage collectors is the low activity in our club. While there are over 100 members in the vintage Star Wars club and some collections being shared, there is pretty much no discussion yet. This of course will change as more people become aware of Gemr and the vintage Star Wars club.
It’s only a small thing, but when I click on a thumbnail in someone’s collection and view a larger photo, I’d like to be able to click for the next large photo to come up automatically, like we do on Facebook. With Gemr, you need to scroll down and then click from the thumbnail gallery.
If you guys who are already using Gemr have any constructive criticisms yourselves, feel free to share your thoughts in the comment sections.
Sign up here if you want to get involved:
The vintage Star Wars club on Gemr has been powering since we wrote this review and there are now loads more members and some spectacular collections have been posted. Trust me one of them is possibly the best production collection you’ll ever see.
Gemr has also had some useful updates, such as:
- Quick Collect:Upload multiple items at once
- Chat:Private message your friends
- Activity Feeds:See what others are doing on Gemr
You can also dowload the fantastic GEMR mobile phone app, available in the iOS and Android app stores.
These updates have all improved the GEMR experience.
After using the platform for a while now I will say that it is definitely more suited to limelighting your collectibles rather than engaging in hobby related discussions. This should come with time though.
Collector Snapshot #16 – Cesar Alejandro V. Jacquez
And the winner of the Cantina Alien Crew photo competition is……..
We recently ran a photo competition on our blog’s Facebook’s page. All you had to do to win these four Cantina Alien figures (pictured below) was to post a photo on the page of yourself as a child with a vintage Star Wars collectible.
We had entries from all over the United States, Britain and Canada. Some seriously fantastic photos and I want to sincerely thank everyone for taking the time to share their childhood memories. This really is what vintage Star Wars is all about and these photos took me back to my own time as a kid, especially Christmas, when it was certain I’d be getting Star Wars figures.
I know a lot collectors who entered have amazing collections so it was nice to see them enter. I’m posting all of the entries in this article so If anyone would like me to remove their photo, please let me know!
Now unfortunately only one entry could win the Cantina Alien Crew but of course that doesn’t mean there was only one winner. Every entry was special and will remain on the blog. My wife absolutely tore her hair out trying to choose a winner and that’s why it took her a few days. She changed her mind about the winner several times and at one point even said “How can I say no to a kid?” She’s right, when I was looking at the photos I was not thinking of the men you have all become, rather it was these cute little kids who had entered the competition and it is these kids we would have to turn down! She did eventually choose a winner. As it was such a tight decision I decided to award a second prize. But then my wife couldn’t split the runner up from four different photos! So I’m going to send each runner up a random figure from these four guys below. .
First up let’s present the honourable mentions. Unfortunately no prizes for them but great photos all the same!
Jad Bean and his awesome Christmas pic! How stoked does he look to score that Ewok Village. Who wouldn’t be! But I bet it’s not MISB anymore….Well done Jad!
Carl Nordstrom and his ripping Millennium Falcon. It doesn’t get more iconic than that for us vintage collectors. And seriously Carl was ahead of his time with that cool get up – hipster specs and the suave turtle neck. Top stuff Carl!
Shane Sayers and his fantastic ‘then’ and ‘now’ photos. Just rad. How many of us can say that we still have their old SW toys from back in the day? Not many I’m guessing. Congratulations Shane!
The final runner up is Craig Spivey. What a photo! It has everything – the Death Star, an x-wing and the old Christmas tree in the background. Love that Craig is all dressed up in a tie for Christmas day! Nice work Craig!
Can all the second place winners please contact me on the blog or the Facebook page and send through their addresses. I’ll send the figures off this week.
Okay this is the really difficult part…..Firstly I don’t want to further stoke the winner’s ego as it’s a little overinflated as it is. Secondly, we are actually friends so it may be perceived that I’m being biased. Well that’s why I didn’t choose the winners myself.
So here it is! Alexander Magraw and his Gammorean Guard mask! It took me a while to realise he was actually wearing a mask of course….
In the background there’s also a boxed Taun Taun and a carded Bespin Guard. And to top things off there’s also Alex’s Luke Bespin, which he still has to this day. What makes this even more special is that Alex is pretty much the hobby’s number one expert on this figure so it was this day that kicked that passion off. Thanks Alex and an even bigger thank you from me for covering up your face in this photo. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
Thanks again to everyone who got involved. There will be more competitions in the future so there’s always next time!
Collector Snapshot #15 – Gary Haygood
Welcome to the fifteenth episode of our collector snapshot, where a vintage collector answers 10 short questions. The same questions will be given to every collector appearing in this segment.
Up this episode is 45 year old collector Gary Haygood (aka “mrUTman” on Rebelscum), who works in the information technology field in Surprise, Arizona. Anyone who has crossed paths with Gary on the forums or on Facebook knows him to be one of the warmest and friendliest collectors out there. He is also extremely community conscious and is very knowledgeable about the vintage collectibles we all love so much. I hung out quite a bit with Gary and his lovely wife Tara at Celebration Anaheim and know them to be as friendly in real life as they are in the cyber-world.
Gary and Tara are also involved in charity work for breast cancer research and they run online events which they call “Buns 4 Boobs.” For 20 dollars (which they donate to charity) they will restore the hair (into beautiful buns) of vintage 12 inch Princess Leias. Great idea for a noble cause! I was lucky enough to snag one of their “Buns 4 Boob” pins at C7.
VSWC: The artwork for these great pins.
VSWC: Some examples of their restored Leia buns.
If you are on Facebook, why not check out the great group that Gary helps admin – Batteries Not Included – Star Wars Collectors Group Inc. It’s an easygoing group set up to discuss both vintage and modern Star Wars collectibles and the community they have built there is a credit to the admins and their members.
Gary also runs a great Facebook page – Vintage Star Wars Collectors Recommended Groups. This page provides a list of SW collecting groups that “support collecting with passion and respect.” Great job Gary!
Now to the questions!
1. How long have you been collecting?
As long as I can remember I’ve been collecting various Star Wars Items. However I have been “seriously” collecting for about 11 years or so, when I found the community on
2. What do you collect?
My first love is Star Wars toys and art, I focus on Princess Leia items, I also collect other toys from pop culture I grew up on (i.e. Megos, Monsters, and Evel…)
VSWC: Gary and some of his great collection. Great t-shirt! I hope Gary didn’t blow his knee out crouching down like that. We’re not so young anymore us vintage SW collectors…
VSWC: And the pride of Gary’s collection – a Gentle Giant life size Leia monument.
3. Whats your Grail?
The necklace worn by Princess Leia in the ceremony scene of “A New Hope.”
4. What collectors inspire you?
Folks that share knowledge and help others out for me this is the way we sustain the hobby. Mike Scards22 is someone I look to as a mentor and really helped me with learning the ropes and meeting everyone back in the forum days. I also credit my education to reading post by folks like John Alvarez, Joseph Yglesias and Bill McBride as well as many others over the years.
VSWC: See our full-length interviews with Joe and Bill here:
5. What’s your most embarrassing moment as a collector?
Realizing how much I enjoy being friends with ‘Tiefighterboy’ (Todd Osborn) 🙂
6. What’s your favourite Star Wars film?
Return of The Jedi, I love the redemption of Vader and it always has been my favourite part of the films.
7. What would you change about the collecting community?
I think we all could be a little easier on the newbies to the community, and the newbies should be more receptive to the knowledge they can receive from listening to the old timers.
8. Forums or Facebook groups?
Forums will always be great but I think Facebook has opened a whole new world to collectors and mixed together several great forum communities.
9. What Star Wars character do you most resemble?
Who else Princess Leia 😉
VSWC: The resemblance is uncanny!
10. Is there one thing collectors may not know about you?
I was in personal security in my younger years and was a bouncer and bodyguard before I settled down as an IT Guy 🙂
VSWC: Thanks so much for joining us Gary! It has been great getting to know a bit more about you and your collecting habits. See you on the forums and Facebook!
Competition Time! Win the Cantina Alien crew!
Competition time! I promised to run a competition to thank you all for the 1000 Facebook ‘likes’ so here it is finally.
Who would like a shot at winning this set of vintage Star Wars cantina aliens? All the gang are there – Snaggletooth (sorry not the Blue Snaggletooth!), Greedo, Walrus Man and Hammerhead.
All you have to do to win is post a photo on the relevant thread on our Facebook page of you as a kid with a Star Wars vintage collectible. It doesn’t have to be a figure, it can be any Star Wars item. Only one photo can be submitted per person so choose carefully! As usual, my wife will choose the best photo.
For those who don’t have Facebook, please contact me on the blog to receive details on how to submit your photo.
To be eligible to win, you have to either like our Facebook page or subscribe to the webpage or Twitter account.
Entries close next Friday – 18th September at 9pm Amsterdam time.
May the best photo win!
Thanks for the 1000 ‘likes’ on our Facebook page!
Just a really quick post to thanks to everyone for the 1000 ‘likes’ on our Facebook page! Like I always say, I don’t do this to accrue likes or followers but I sure as hell do not want to be blogging to an empty audience. It’s not always easy to find time and energy to write articles and interview collectors so it’s nice to know that you guys appreciate it. I do feel passionate about this hobby so it is an incredibly rewarding exercise.
Thanks again to everyone who reads the blog and a big thank you to those collectors who find the time in their busy lives to actually appear on my page. Without you guys this page would not exist! I’m honestly honoured to have had the chance to interview such amazing collectors and people and to get to know you all in the process.
And yes I did promise to run a competition to give out a prize once we reach 1000 likes (we are almost at 1100). Sorry for lagging. I have the prize now so I just have to get the competition rules sorted. Stay tuned!