Finally scored a Model Trem Luke Skywalker! But why was it so bittersweet?

Well I’m not one to regularly post my latest acquisition but this one is very special (check out our recent article in relation to posting collections online – I finally got my hands on a Luke Skywalker Model Trem (Brazilian bootleg) complete with the original box. I’ve been looking for one of these for more than a year so I was over the moon to get a great example at what I think was a really good price. What was also cool was that it was my good friend, Matthieu B, who let me know about the sale and if it wasn’t for him I probably would have missed the boat. This is another reason why I love the Star Wars vintage collecting community.

For those who don’t know much about these Model Trems, check out this great write-up by the undisputed bootleg king himself – Joe Y.

So here’s the Luke Trem I bought myself, now displayed proudly in my Luke focus cabinet.

trem coup

The figure itself is in pretty good condition for a Trem. Let’s be honest, these Trem figures weren’t exactly made by major craftsmen – the head is very loose and pops up and down very easily and the arms have very loose joints. The figure is also very heavy as it is made from lead. I absolutely love it though and it is fast becoming my favourite loose figure. Actually it is my favourite loose figure!

trem loose

I love the little box it comes in too. It’s really fragile so I’m happy that mine only has a couple of small tears at the front of the box.

trem box

So why was this score bitterweet? Well, I was stoked to finally land a Trem Luke but I was genuinely sad that it was previously part of an amazing limelight on the VSWC blog itself. Yes, that’s right – Aaron Jones is selling up his Luke Farmboy Focus. Aaron is a lovely guy and also a really modest collector so it was a joy to have him and his focus on the blog. The good news is that Aaron is not dipping out of the hobby but is still hanging around the boards and Facebook groups. He might even be back with a new focus in the future and if history is a reliable guide, it will be a focus to look out for!

Check out Aaron’s limelight on the blog. An absolute beauty to behold.

Well good luck to Aaron in his new endeavours. Meanwhile, I’ll enjoy my new Luke and try not to get lead poisoning!

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