Welcome all to the twenty second episode of our collector snapshot, where a vintage collector answers 10 short questions. The same questions will be given to every collector appearing in this segment. Check out our last collector snapshot (Lee Harris).
It has been a while now that I’ve been meaning to ask Michael onto the blog, but as you guys know, I haven’t been as active here as I would have liked to have been this past year. But what better way to get back into the swing of things than with an interview with hands down the most positive bloke in the hobby. Have you ever seen Michael complain online? Ever seen him tell a new collector that “google is their friend?” Ever witnessed him bully someone or say something sexist? Bet the answer is a big fat NO. He does worry me a little though, no-one can be this nice can they?
Michael was born in Perth, Western Australia and has lived there his entire life. When he’s not collecting Star Wars figures he can be found down at the beach swimming, surfing and just enjoying life. He’s currently studying full-time library and information services and studying part-time as an ‘Education Assistant,’ so he tells me that he hasn’t got much of a social life at the moment. Well I’m glad he had a bit of time here for us at VSWC blog.
Now to the questions!
1. How long have you been collecting?
I have been collecting Star Wars vintage since 1978. I had all the figures but had to give them to my cousin as we moved house. I have been collecting again since 2010.
2. What do you collect?
I collect the first 21 figures vintage carded and anything that I think is a great item to own. I am limited to the space I have so just happy to have what I have.
3. What’s your grail?
My grail if I have one is to own a Toltoys 12 back carded or a 20 back Toltoys figure carded.
4. What collectors inspire you?
The collectors that inspire me would be Brian Angel, Ross Barr (VSWC – check out our preview interview with Ross and the 12 back group founders – Carl, Gary and Ross from the 12 Back Group), Derek Ho, Ben Sheehan, JohnPaul Ragusa (VSWC – we’ve also interviewed JohnPaul – Vintage Star Wars Moderator Roundtable: Forums and the Future), Aussie James (Jame Kenneison), Gerry James, Yehuda Kay, Ron Salvatore, Sean Lehmkuhl, Chris Georgoulias, Christian Carnouche, Jez Allinson, Alex Pardi, Jenni Bennett and Robin Bocra. The list goes on but these people inspire me to be a better collector in the hobby.
Michael and some of his Aussie collector mates
5. What is your most embarrassing moment as a collector?
I don’t have any embarrassing moments. Can I pass on this one?
6. What is your favourite Star Wars film?
My favourite movie is The Empire Strikes Back, then the original Star Wars. I loved how different The Empire Strikes Back was. I still love it today as much as I did when I was younger.
7. What would you change about the collecting community?
The one thing I would change is U-Grading. Also I would like to stop the negativity as it’s a hobby so we should enjoy it. One thing I pride myself on is being positive all the time and to be the best I can be.
8. Forums or Facebook groups?
For me at the moment Facebook, but I do look at forums once in a while to see what’s for sale etc.
9. What Star Wars character do you most resemble?
The character I would most resemble would say I’m Han. He is the good guy ‘Trouble’ is his middle name. I have a cheeky side like Han has.
10. Is there one thing that collectors may not know about you?
One thing collectors may not know about me is I love AFL (Australian Football). I go for the West Coast Eagles and I watch all sport, from ice hockey to basketball and the NFL. Love sports, can’t get enough
VSWC: Well thank you so much for coming on Michael! I hope everyone enjoyed that as much as I did.